Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Picture this:
You're sitting upon a lazy susan, you are facing the 70ties, your legs are up. Earthy, rhythmic tones float in through your ears and up through your hair. You want to have a fro now, you want to be in bell bottoms, you want rainbows to shoot out of your eyes. The beats are simple and catchy, the music raw and the guitar is loud. The sounds of the needle kissing the record lightly is barely made out, the music sounds ancient. Someone just started hitting a cow bell. You want blue skies and Simon and Garfunkel to just show up. Then you're spun like a Chinese dinner... and electronic, digital beats rip your neck open and shake your spine til you have no choice but to dance, dance like its 2010. This music is confusing. Pick a century. Its that 70ties show meeting club dunk. You want to move your legs and wear glow in the dark headbands. This is what it's like to do drugs. This is Bibios Ambivalnce Avenue.
Listening to it now wishing it didn't hold so many memories for me. Nevertheless I couldnt be happier with an album. I would have chosen one song to hark on but I couldn't. Every song makes me wish I was born earlier, every song makes me happy to be alive now.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Eels - Man Up

His dark chocolaty voice rasps out these words in a way no other man could.
Thanks Eels.

In my heart of hearts I know it well
Been giving myself the soft sell
Anyone can see that i've been running away
Not facing the day that's here

It's time to man up
I'm man enough
It's time to man up
I'm man enough
I'm man enough for you
It's time to man up

The phone is off, the blinds are down
Me and my heart are out of town
The sign is hammered up
Do not disturb
Don't say another word to me

It's time to man up
I'm man enough
I'm man enough for you
It's time to man up
I'm man enough
I'm man enough for you
It's time to man up

In my heart of hearts I know it well
I hit the ground hard when I fell
Not licking wounds but more like sewing them up
Man it was rough for me

But it's time to man up
I'm man enough
I'm man enough for you
It's time to man up
I'm man enough
I'm man enough for you
It's time to man up

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My name. In a Christmas SONG.

Ding dong Merilee on high,
In heaven the bells are ringing:
Ding dong! verily the sky
Is riv'n with angel singing.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

E'en so here below, below,
Let steeple bells be swungen,
And "Io, io, io!"
By priest and people sungen.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

Pray you, dutifully prime
Your matin chime, ye ringers;
May you beautifully rime
Your evetime song, ye singers.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My next boy.

Well, the look on the cake
It ain't always the taste
My ex-boy had
Such a beautiful face
I wanted love
But not for myself
But for the boy
So he could love himself

Oh my next boy
Will be nothing like my ex-boy
I made mistakes back then
I'll never do it again
With my next boy
He'll be nothing like my ex-boy
It was a painful dance
And I got a second chance

Oh, a beautiful face
And a wicked way
And I'm paying for his beautiful face
All that work
Over so much time
If I think too hard
I might lose my mind

Oh my next boy
Will be nothing like my ex-boy
I made mistakes back then
I'll never do it again
With my next boy
He'll be nothing like my ex-boy
It was a painful dance
And I got a second chance

Oh my next boy

My next boy

Thursday, October 14, 2010

its time.

I am saying goodbye to Meriliberia for just a while.
Hopping on another ship.
I might be back though.

You can click on the link below only if you want. I have two blogs now and feel quite bloggerific. Checking my blog, writing on my blog, updating my old and new blogs... wondering whose blog to follow. Its a blogging world out there folks. Dont be left behind. Im in cambodia now for a while, so Im bloggin about that. Heck..I might eventually start another blog about my life in Alaska...
call it: My life in a (b)log cabin
okayyy im done.


Monday, October 11, 2010

This is for Mama Bev

My time here started out with a bang! a clang a clash a crash a motion... of emotions.
Learned quick from Kendell better not be late to devotions

Ma Bev took me under her wing... showed me the ropes. I was her intern daughta
then I got handed off to Taya, building BSF's.. learning all bout da clean wata

The days rolled by like clouds in the wind of the sky we try, we lie, we cry, we shine, we light
MMMMMM and girls! best not be out past mid-night!

I was taught quick the roads of the jungle, the taste of cassava. I was filled in with the things I lack. Eliz would say it was so good to be done with four weeks doing assessment of impact

I watched girls grow like seeds from the ground, like petals on a rose, they tossed they turned like diamonds once burned.. but from ashes and dust, dirt to the touch, they are beautiful. They are whole. They are no longer alone.
Jesus let me see this healing in the wonderful Think Home.

I learned responsibility. I tried to practice positivity. Erred on the side of optimism, avoiding sarcasm (yeaaah right)... hopping on the train of surrender relying on God to be the meander. Jacob wasn't a car crash, just a fender bender ;)

I'll crave zaa zaa's muffins in the morn', the way tito the driver got me my burnt corn, oh the corn, hit the horn, I'm forlorn... they way my clothes and shoes grow moss. what do those white stripes of the flag mean again? Oh yeah, rice and sauce

I was on fire with the highs but down hearted with the dips. I had sorrow in my throat and tried to keep jesus on my lips.
Some though could call meh creepy, a little bit weepy... when I dance I get leapy. Yes of course I watch Joni sleepy and showed Danielle how to shee peee

I cant forget this place or the space, running this race, feeling alone feeling at peace. I grew up, I threw up.... the old self. Now I'm new. Now I'm better. It took burying the chest to find the treasure

Some women here said I was FAT-O! I like to say stalky, hearty, plump, maybe chunky? I'll miss everything about these five months, even being a skud monkey

So I want to say thank you. For making every day new giving me something to chew, something to do, someone to be, finding out who... I AM. You stood by me when I was healthy and when I was sick. Fever, head cold, sore throat, runny tummy, heck! malaria, probably diphtheria...
But you stayed right there.. so THANK YOU. Dont forget about me SP LIBERIA

Friday, August 27, 2010


Africa is no longer where my physical body is, but its still in my blood. My heart is still there.

I departed in a whirlwind on August 13th... Friday the 13th to be exact. I didn't cry because I didn't have time too. I didn't have time for my heart and mind to touch bases. They had been doing different things lately. I hadn't prepared myself to leave at all. It was just another day, and that's what it felt like as I was driven to the airport.
I'm hoping soon it will all set in... and I can process everything, work through what I saw and learned.... and let Liberia really get into my bones instead of just sit on my skin.

The weeks before I left Liberia I was out in villages doing VBS and follow-up. Back to back to back. I came home to Monrovia for two days, was able to pack, see some people and jump in the ocean one last time. Then out again to play with black babiesssss and teach them more about God and Jesus again up until the day before I left for America.
Danielle (new intern and new dear friend) and I bathed out in the moonlight most nights during vbs. The women in the village would heat up water for us and we'd take it in a bucket back behind the jungles arms and let loose with a bar of soap. Some of the closest moments I had with God was when I was stark nude bathing under all of His glory...and not in mine. The stars splashed the sky...no street lights, no tall buildings, no airplanes flying high above. Just the raw open black lid. As I would shower little glow lightening bugs would come dance around me while I was washing the day off. I loved them....they lit up my area so I could see better! I would sing most of the time during this euphoria... out into the night sky... all I wanted to do was sing. All I wanted to do was thank Jesus for just being alive.

We got a chance to hike up to this magnificent thundering waterfall during my last week in one of the villages!! I have a video of it I am trying to load. Hopefully it works